Get Zoom Webinar Translation in 20+ Languages with Wordly App For Zoom

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July 7, 2022

Wordly, the leader in real-time AI-Powered Interpretation, now integrates seamlessly with Zoom Webinars via the Wordly App for Zoom. 

This updated Wordly App for Zoom is an expansion of the Zoom Translation functionality Wordly introduced in 2021 and has been used by thousands of meeting and event attendees. 

“Wordly is excited to help expand the breadth of apps available for Zoom Webinar, with proven AI-powered translation that has been used by more than 1 million people to increase understanding, inclusivity and productivity,” said Lakshman Rathnam, Founder and CEO of Wordly. 

Key features of Wordly App for Zoom include:

  • Add simultaneous interpretation into 25+ languages to Zoom Webinars and Meetings in seconds
  • Speakers and Attendees change languages with the push of a button, entirely within the Zoom App -  attendees can listen to live audio or read captions
  • Support for “Guest Mode” so attendees can access translation without logging in
  • Only the webinar host needs a Wordly account
  • Access to full webinar transcripts - share with attendees
  • Scalability to 30,000+ attendees
  • No human interpreters or special equipment required
  • Available 24/7, on-demand
  • Easy organizer setup, fast attendee access, and very affordable pricing

To learn more about Zoom interpretation services for webinars and meetings, please visit our website or schedule a personalized demo.

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