AI-Powered Translation Can Transform Meeting and Event Collaboration

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June 28, 2022

This is part 4 of a 4 part blog series summarizing key findings from the recently published report “2022 State of Multilingual Collaboration”. The study was completed by Dimensional Research with 203 marketing and sales professionals who manage meetings and events for companies with more than 500 employees. The focus was on how translation and interpretation is used to help improve the experience and outcomes for multilingual meetings and events.

Technology solutions are often developed to help streamline and automate processes to reduce complexity and cost. Respondents were asked to provide feedback on the advantages / disadvantages of using technology to enhance the interpretation and translation solutions available to them. They were asked to provide feedback based on the following description:

Imagine a scenario where your company could purchase an AI-powered Application which enabled you to provide translation of the speaker for all event attendees on their phone or laptop in any language they wanted - without the need for human interpreters.

Top 3 Benefits Meeting and Event Planners Want in a Technology Solution

  • Ease of use (63%)
  • Ability to support all attendee languages (56%)
  • Audio + captioning output (48%). 

An interesting observation was that Event Managers prioritize features for Attendees higher than those for Meeting Organizers and Presenters. 

Attendee Benefits of Technology Powered Interpretation 

The Top Attendee Benefits: 

  • Creates a more inclusive experience (65%) 
  • Makes it easier for attendees to focus on the content (60%) 
  • Easier to understand the information presented (57%

Business Benefits of Technology Powered Interpretation 

The Top Business Benefits: 

  • Increasing attendee satisfaction (49%)
  • Increasing event attendance (49%)
  • Increased comprehension (40%).

Interpretation Benefits

To learn more about trends and insights into multilingual meeting and event interpretation use, you can read the full report.

To learn more about Wordly AI and schedule a personal demo, visit Request a Demo.

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