Test Drive Wordly Translation at Cvent CONNECT in London October 4-6

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September 24, 2022

Wordly is exhibiting in London October 4-6 at Cvent CONNECT Europe.

Come by our booth to ask questions and get a live demo of AI-powered translation. Learn first-hand why over 600 businesses have implemented Wordly to increase attendee engagement and inclusivity - as well as drive more event registrations and save money vs traditional human interpreters. Also explore the latest features added to our translation platform.

Here are a few reasons to meet with us.

  1. Grow event attendance. After you decide where to host your next event, you need to attract lots of attendees to go there. We can show you how Wordly real-time translation can help attract global attendees.
  2. Increase language inclusivity.  You want your meetings and events to welcome a diverse audience. Wordly AI-powered interpretation helps everyone feel included.
  3. Discover the secret. Wordly has over 1 million users. What do they know that you don’t know? Come to our booth to find out.
  4. Stop overpaying. Legacy translation approaches force meeting planners to exclude offering some languages due to uncertainty about attendee mix and high costs. See how much more financially efficient your event can be with 20+ simultaneous languages for one affordable price from Wordly. 
  5. Show attendees you’re keeping up with the times. We’ve all adapted in the last couple years. Attendees’ expectations for virtual and physical events have changed. They expect more if you’re going to earn their precious time, attention, and travel budget. Making live captions and audio translation available lets them listen and read along, absorbing more content and feeling more engaged. It shows your event is innovating. 

Whatever reason makes you want to explore the latest innovations in conference interpretation, come on by.

If you are not attending the event, schedule a personalized demo.

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