Making Meetings Inclusive with Wordly Translation

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December 13, 2022

Wordly was the official interpretation provider for IMEX Frankfurt 2022 and also a sponsor and exhibitor. The event brought together thousands of meeting and event buyers across a wide range of industries along with event technology, event services, and hospitality organizations.

IMEX Frankfurt marked the return to in-person events and networking across the industry. It also provided a great opportunity for a live interview with two industry thought leaders - Lakshman Rathnam, CEO of Wordly and Martin Sirk, Owner of Sirk Serendipity.

In the video interview Lakshman and Martin share their insights on key trends impacting the meeting and events industry and how AI powered translation and interpretation solutions can help organizations address the language gap at global events as well as increase attendee accessibility.

About Wordly

Wordly provides AI-powered multilingual collaboration solutions for attendees at in-person, virtual, and hybrid meetings and events. The Wordly platform provides remote, real-time, simultaneous translation without the use of human interpreters, making it faster, easier, and more affordable to add live translation, captions, and transcription.

Wordly empowers organizations to unlock the potential of their multilingual teams and global markets by removing language barriers, increasing inclusivity, engagement, and productivity. Wordly is used by over 600 organizations and 1 million users for a wide range of use cases, including industry conferences, customer webinars, sales kickoff meetings, partner training, employee onboarding, and much more. Customers include small and large businesses, universities, nonprofit organizations, industry associations, and local governments.

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